How To Get 41 More Likes On Your Facebook Posts

Even if you’re using the best marketing practices on Facebook, you can still take engagementand virality to the next level.

Best Practices

Let’s assume you’ve adopted some of the best practices of getting good results posting to your Facebook fans:

  • Understand your audience and what they care about;
  • Post content that doesn’t just say “me, me, me;”
  • Use calls to action (“click like if…”, asking questions, or simply saying “tell us in the comments section…”) to get more engagement; and
  • Look at the visibility, likes and comments of individual posts to see what’s working and what’s not.
  • (more…)

Sharing Blogger Posts on Google+ Has Never Been Easier

Google has added a new feature for Blogger users who have connected their blog with their Google+account, making it easier to share a post with their Google+ friends, too.

After you publish a post on Blogger, you’ll see a box containing a snippet from your post. Before sharing the post, you can choose which Google+ Circles you’d like to share the post with, add an additional comment if you like.



Can Facebook Get You a Job

In answer to the question above, approximately 18,400,000 Americans say yes, they got their current job through Facebook. Though Zuck’s platform ranks #1, Twitter and LinkedIn don’t have shabby numbers either — 8 million and 10.2 million Americans, respectively, have gotten their jobs through social platforms.

Judging from our Job Search Series, it should come as no surprise that being socially savvy pays off in the job hunt for two reasons — it helps you network, and it’s a highly marketable strength in your skill set, given all the openings in the digital space. So, it’s about time you spruce up those social profiles and start networking.



5 Steps To Prep Your Facebook Profile For A Job Search

If you are searching for a job, whether you already have one or not, and you’ve got a profile on Facebook,you should make sure that all unprofessional photos and language are removed or blocked from the public. If you don’t,  potential employers may choose not to interview you because of inappropriate content.

Listed below are the steps you should take to make your Facebook profile is ready for your job search.



Twitter’s native video- and photo-sharing features may have hinted at its desire to go after Facebook, but the redesign it launched on Thursday stated them loud and clear.

Twitter now looks a lot more like the world’s largest social network, with features that focus on social interaction and brand pages.

Twitter once differentiated itself as an “information network” while Facebook defined itself as the “social graph.” But just as Facebook added real-time features that make it look more like Twitter, Twitter has inched into its competitor’s turf.



Facebook officially took the “beta” label off its much-publicized Timeline this evening, but it’s rolling out the new feature gradually. New Zealand is currently the only country to get Timeline, the company said in a blog post this evening. Other regions will get it in the “near future.”

Facebook first unveiled Timeline in early September, and quickly provided the means for developers and curious users to enable the feature. A more general release was planned for later that month, but it never came, ostensibly to address technical issues and privacy concerns having to do with the software.



We already knew about YouTube’s redesign, which tech-savvy readers have been enabling for the past 10 days. As of now, however, the new YouTube is available to everyone.

Unlike parent company Google, which tends to roll out redesigns over a period of days, YouTube pressed the button and switched the homepage for every user worldwide at 4:30 p.m. ET Thursday.

So what’s the change all about? One word: channels. The world’s most popular online video service now sees itself as a descendent of cable TV, with millions of channels rather than hundreds — and it’s doing its darndest to encourage you to use it that way.



Google+ Brand Pages  Multi-Admin Capability ‘Coming Soon’

Google+ will allow multiple admins to manage a brand page “before 2012,” Kristoffer Sorensen, a Google marketing strategist, said on in a live Q&A on Wednesday.

Currently, brand pages are tied to one admin account that has total control over the page and profile. This has been a point of frustration for social media managers who have multiple team members updating their company social profiles.



Facebook is at it again, releasing yet another feature that I never had the opportunity to politely opt out of: location sharing. When Facebook decided to withdraw efforts from its short-lived check-in service, Places, it quickly implemented a more passive location-sharing feature that doesn’t even have a name. It’s just there. And it’s creepy.

Now, every time you compose a post on a mobile device or desktop computer, you’ll see a light-gray location description in the lower left of the status box.



Facebook jobs

Most people associate LinkedIn with job searches more than Facebook, but the latter site helped almost twice as many people find jobs than the former — 18.4 million compared to 10 million.

To optimize your profile on the leading social network, post your qualifications in a note, which remains visible on your profile longer than other types of content. So recommends MBA Online in an infographic we’ve reproduced below.

