Facebook is at it again, releasing yet another feature that I never had the opportunity to politely opt out of: location sharing. When Facebook decided to withdraw efforts from its short-lived check-in service, Places, it quickly implemented a more passive location-sharing feature that doesn’t even have a name. It’s just there. And it’s creepy.

Now, every time you compose a post on a mobile device or desktop computer, you’ll see a light-gray location description in the lower left of the status box.



Facebook jobs

Most people associate LinkedIn with job searches more than Facebook, but the latter site helped almost twice as many people find jobs than the former — 18.4 million compared to 10 million.

To optimize your profile on the leading social network, post your qualifications in a note, which remains visible on your profile longer than other types of content. So recommends MBA Online in an infographic we’ve reproduced below.



Facebook will make its long-anticipated move to go public between April and June 2012, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal on Monday.

The report, which cites “people familiar with the matter,” says that Facebook is considering raising $10 billion in an IPO that could value it at more than $100 billion. This is consistent with a report in June that used the same eye-popping number of zeros to describe Facebook’s expected valuation.



4 Ways Companies and Causes Can Partner for Good on Facebook

Facebook is a particularly appropriate medium for companies and causes to use when joining forces to engage consumers because “it’s a prime mobilization platform” explains Marc Blinder, creative director for Context Optional, a social media marketing company. “People want their friends to see them doing something good — those types of activities are very palatable in this medium.”

A new white paper from the Cause Marketing Forum traces the history of cause marketing on Facebook back to 2007 and explains the current lay of the land through these 4 popular campaign types:



Customers may not be on Facebook while shopping online, but there’s a 50.8 percent chance they are logged into the social network via plugins.

Sociable Labs found that 50.8 percent of traffic to its customers’ shopping sites were still logged into Facebook in October, versus figures of 40 percent through 60 percent across all of the sites the company supports.



A theory stemming from an experiment by social psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s claims every living person is connected to any other through only six friends. According to a recent study, Facebook reduces the six degrees of separation to only four, meaning the world’s largest social network makes the world even smaller (figuratively).

The study, a joint effort by Facebook and Università degli Studi di Milano, shows that the number of “hops” separating any two persons on Facebook is in fact smaller than six. According to the study, “99.6% of all pairs of users are connected by paths with 5 degrees (6 hops), 92% are connected by only four degrees (5 hops),” with the average “distance” between users getting smaller over time.



The trademark lawsuit filed by Timelines.com to block Facebook’s use of the term “timeline” is experiencing a delay, making the official rollout of the advanced profile before year end unlikely.

The site paidContent reported that a federal judge agreed to postpone a hearing originally scheduled for December to Jan. 24, as Doug Albrittion, a lawyer representing the Chicago-based developer of historical web content, said more time was needed to agree upon a discovery schedule.



Drawing internet concept on blackboard

Quick Pitch: Vertical Acuity is a self-serve content syndication platform.

Genius Idea: Letting a website’s visitors browse other publications’ content without leaving.

Google, Facebook and Twitter allow users to bounce between different publications’ websites — often to the detriment of those publications’ revenue.

Vertical Acuity wants to reduce this bouncing by turning sites into platforms for discovering content from other publications. Its year-old content syndication platform lets websites post each others’ content.



Facebook has started soliciting opinions from page administrators.

Some admins see a questionnaire pop up immediately after opting to navigate Facebook as a page.

The questions show up in two successive windows, and seem focused on finding out how admins like navigating Facebook as a page.

We also suspect that the addition of business pages to Google Plus has Facebook marketers concerned about how to stay ahead on this particular front, so asking admins’ opinions seems like a wise move at this time.



Gerrit Hall is the CEO and co-founder of RezScore, a free web application that reads, analyzes and grades resumes instantly. Gerrit has successfully combined his passion for computer science and the careers space by helping job seekers write the best resume possible. You can connect with Gerrit and RezScore on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and a slew of other social media platforms, job seekers are closer than ever to the decision-makers at their target companies.

While social media is wonderful as a stand-alone tool in any job seeker’s toolbox, you should know that it’s even better when combined with other “old-fashioned” standbys — such as your resume.

