After opening its doors to the public last Tuesday, Google+ may now have more than as 43 million users.

So says co-founder and Google+ unofficial statistician Paul Allen, who’s been keeping a running tally of how big the social network is growing.



Pop quiz: One of these charts represents the query volume for “back to school” on Google and the other represents the number of unique users commenting on several brand fan pages that are actively promoting back-to school marketing campaigns on Facebook. Can you tell which one is which?

The answer to the question is that A represents the total number of daily active users on Facebook of back-to-school brands, and B represents query volume on Google for terms related to “back to school.” At first glance we could not tell the difference, right?

Both graphs show a similar trend: a relatively stable pattern until early July when both show a sharp increase in activity. The only difference is in the magnitude; B shows a much sharper increase than A.

