This renewable energy generating backpack will keep your gadgets charged

Sukhmeet Kaur

As the name itself suggests, Scaraby is a bag in which energy can be carried. The project was started by Benjamin Beck with the motive of finding new ways to generate energy and the result was Scaraby. The Scaraby is a renewable energy generator, which uses solar and kinetic power to generate electricity in places where it is hard to find, including hills and mountains. It can be well exploited in expeditions where electronics play a major role and the expedition might not be complete without them. The device protects its carrier against shocks and splashes of water because of its shape, which enables carefree motion.


Energy Backpack Designed by Benjamin Beck


On being opened, the bag brings out a photovoltaic film, which produces energy through solar power. In case the day is not sunny enough to make use of the photovoltaic film through solar energy, there is a concealed expander as well which can be pulled out. With the help of the concealed expander, energy can be produced by the process of induction. The Scaraby comes equipped with a rechargeable battery pack, which is located in the detachable heading section. The battery pack is located in such a position that it makes use of the space which could otherwise be wasted.


Source: ecofriend

