Asia’s Largest Railway Station is Powered by 3,246 Solar Panels

We hear that China is not very eco-friendly. That may be true in many regards, but not so when it comes to the builders of Asia’s largest railway station – Beijing South. The station is large enought to hold a 747, has a roof area the size of 24 football pitches, can send 30,000 passengers on their way each hour and needs only 150 people to operate. Best of all…the power for the facility is generated by 3,246 solar panels that sit atop a glass roof. This gives new meaning to what’s above a glass ceiling, eh?




It is amazing to see how creative people can get with finding and discovering new concepts and ways to produce energy. Some methods are absolutely mind-boggling and force you to ponder at the practicality of such a solution. Some options might lead to some energy generation – albeit too minor to be even considered – hence, insignificant. Nevertheless, it would be worthwhile to think over such options and appreciate the creative thought process of the inventor.

