10 eco friendly airships of the future

Airships have received a new lease of life with the growing consciousness of environment issues. The history of airships is marred by the disastrous end to the Hindenberg zeppelin in 1937 which resulted in a lull in the research into airships as a viable transportation mode. However, in the last few decades, research and development and funding have all come together to raise the eco-friendly airship out of obscurity and to elevate it from advertising blimps to feasible and effective transportation solutions. They are already being used in various ways such as heavy lifting, research and exploration, and unmanned surveillance.



Powering portable electronic gadgets with electromagnetic wavesWireless power is emerging as a popular concept as wires represent a burden in terms of cost and maintenance.

What’s happening right now

We use countless electronic gadgets every day. We have got used to them to the extent that we can’t even imagine a life without them. A significant part of our life is spent using and enjoying them. However, charging them can be pretty much difficult. We run into many obvious difficulties while doing so. Generally , there are two widely used modes of charging them. One is to use an AC adapter which delivers electric power to your gadgets. The other option is to use solar power, though it can be used only for certain devices which have a necessary level of compatibility. It is not easy to charge these devices on a daily basis using electric AC adapters. The problem is that you will have to take the wires with you all the time, and you will need to find an electric port to charge them. With solar chargers, weather fluctuations can be the spoilsport.



Photo:  Image Sandia National Laboratory

by TomWalker

A dramatic shift in the EU’s approach to energy consumption and generation has led to a more aggressive policy agreement in Europe. By 2020, the EU hopes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% while increasing the reliance on renewable energy sources by 20%. The policy also states that energy efficiency must be improved by 20%, also by 2020.


